DIY: A short Guide to baking with Cannabis.

DIY: A short Guide to baking with Cannabis.

As recreational and Medical use of Cannabis and Marijuana continue to expand, Cannabis and it's derivatives is a new ingredient that has started to find it's way into people's kitchens. More home cooks and chefs are beginning to learn how to incorporate cannabis into their cuisines, it is only appropriate we look into a major aspect of this amazing trend.

The first step in creating your special dishes Is to get the main ingredients ready, you'll basically require:

  • Cannabutter: A butter with high fat content is best applicable as it tends to absorb cannabinoids a lot better than the other forms of butter. Margarines are not suitable and so it is always advised that butter is used instead, the reason is because margarine is very low in fat content and makes the rate of absorption of CBD/THC low.
  • Canna-oil: To make this, you could select any cooking oil of your choice. Whatever fits in your menu or best suits your purpose, you could favor coconut oil or prefer olive oil, So far it makes the overall cooking savory.

These two are the major ingredients infused with cannabis/marijuana and they could be used to create various homemade edibles along with all other cooking ingredients. Ensure you determine the flavors you really enjoy and the effects you desire before you make your edible. This way, your edible is sure to taste good and feel good.

Making your own Cannabutter and Canna-oil.

Provided you have Cannabutter and Canna-oil, these two ingredients can be used as substitutes in normal recipes where you ought to use butter and cooking oil to make your edibles.

If you decide to perform the infusion yourself, here are a couple steps you would want to follow:

  • Select your preferred strain: The first step as always is going for the flower strain you find most suitable, this goes a long way in determining what you get out of your edibles. Indica, Sativa or Hybrid, go for what you love.
  • Decarb the Marijuana: This is discussed more extensively in another one of our articles, but let's briefly discuss what it means.

Once you've gotten the flower that best suits you, the next step is decarboxylation or activating. This is simply the process of heating the flower to activate all the cannabinoids (THC, CBD etc.) within it. If this process is neglected, the resulting edibles/dishes form the infused ingredients will lack the end psychoactive effects required, this basically defeats it's sole purpose.

  • Infuse your ingredients: During this step, ensure you Infuse at a fairly low heat and take the time you need. This continues until all the contents are infused with the strain.
  • Extract and store: This is the final step in preparing your infused ingredients. Once your oil or butter have been infused with marijuana, this step is to remove whatever flower is left so as to attain an even and smooth texture. It is advisable to use sieves or mesh to get out all the chunks and achieve a consistent product.

With all these in place, you have your ingredients ready and can continue to making the edible of your choice. Brownies, Barbeque condiments, marijuana Mac and cheese etc. are some of the famous recipes you could try out.

While you test out exquisite recipes, always remember that while making Cannabutter and Canna-oil you should:

  • Use high quality oil and butter
  • Maintain a constant temperature all through the process
  • Cook for at least 2 hours
  • Place the infused products in the fridge as soon as straining is completed.

And don'ts;

  • Do not rush the process
  • Do not skip decarboxylation
  • Do not over cook.
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